Category: ghost signs

Ghost Signs AKA Faded Ads

Ghost signs, also known as faded ads, those painted signs we’ve probably all seen, are those ads usually painted on the side of a brick building. They advertise such things as Omega Oil or Mail Pouch chewing tobacco. I fell in love with these signs years ago, and that love affair coincided with my love of history. Whenever I see one I invariably pull over to photograph it. Here are some of my favorite ghost signs.

Above, Harlem is home to a particularly good example of a well-preserved ghost sign for Omega Oil. Omega Oil was an all-purpose oil that probably amounted to no more than snake oil. 

This ad for Owl Cigars was recently uncovered in Johnstown, PA.

Advertisement for Sinclair Oil is painted on corregated tin,  Cody, WY.

A ghost sign selling signs in Astoria, OR.

An old ad for Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco in Oakland, OR.

For more examples, visit my Instagram feed.